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Page 5


Subject Areas

Some databases are general or interdisciplinary in coverage. Other databases cover a specific subject area such as engineering, art, science, etc. 

Here are some examples of subject specific databases that are available through the library's Database page:

Subject Area
Some Relevant Databases
 Government Information Military and Government Collection
statistical graph Social Sciences and History American History Online, CQ Researcher, 
Opposing Viewpoint in Context, 

and SIRS Knowledge Source
teacher in front of blackboard Science Academic Search Premier, Access Science Online, 
and Science Magazine Online
Biographical Information Gale Virtual Reference Library and MasterFILE Premier
two people looking at globe of the earth
Ethnic Studies Ethnic Newswatch
laboratory equipment
Health and Medicine BioMed Central, CINAHL PLUS with Full-text, 
Health Source,
Alt Healthwatch, and PubMed
News Newspaper Source Plus
Psychology Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection
Literature Bloom's Literature


A few examples of databases without a specific subject focus include:

  • Academic Search Premier: Provides abstracts and full-text articles from thousands of scholarly and general-interest publications.
  • Newspaper Source Plus: Includes New York Times plus many national and international newspapers
  • Britannica Online: The online version of the print edition of the Encyclopedia Britannica, also includes a dictionary.
  • Films on Demand: Includes thousands of closed captioned streamed educational videos. 
Chapter 4 — Page 5