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Page 8


Citing Reference Sources in Your Bibliography

As we mentioned in Chapter 1 when you use information or quotations from a book, article or other material, you need to cite the source in the bibliography of your paper.

Visit the library's MLA citation page for more information and examples illustrating how to correctly cite your sources. Below is an excerpt from this chart showing some of the ways that Reference sources are cited.

Reference citation examples


Citing Electronic Reference Sources from CCC Databases

When creating MLA citations for reference sources found in CCC databases, it is essential to credit the database where you found your source. Use the following citation format: 

Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Entry or Article." Name of Reference Source, edited by First Name Middle Initial. Last

Name, edition number if given, vol. number, Publisher, Year of publication if not in edition number, page numbers, Name of

database. Database URL. Date of Access. 


Greenland, Paul. "Crime Scene Cleaning/Bioremediation Business." Business Plans Handbookedited by  Kristin B. Mallegg, vol. 36,

Gale, 2016, pp. 33-39. Gale Virtual Reference Library,


Accessed 14 Dec. 2016.


Chapter 3 — Page 8