Finding the Job You Want
So often we need a job right away, so we look in the newspaper and take whatever we can get. We know that if we could get a job in our field of interest it would help us decide if we like that field and give us a foot in the door for the future. If one does well, good job recommendations will follow, or promotions as our education and experience increase.
Before Searching for a Job
First, think about your career goals.
If you are planning to be a business major, perhaps a job in a bank, real estate office, etc. might be useful to give you experience that you can leverage in applying for jobs in the future. If you are working in auto mechanics, find an entry level job (even if it is an office job) in an auto repair shop. If planning to be a chef, get a job in a restaurant. It may not be cooking, but even clearing tables or being a waitperson can give you experience in the environment you are interested in.
Finding a job in an area of interest can give you good references and work experience, plus help you determine if that work environment is what you expected and what you want to continue with in the future.
Want to learn more about a particular career?
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes the Occupational Outlook Handbook, a fantastic resource if you are looking for information to help you decide what career to pursue. OOH describes in detail the average salary, required training, working conditions, and projected growth in thousands of different career tracks in the United States. OOH is perhaps the most useful resource available in the U.S. for career exploration.
CCC Library's Career & Scholarship collection includes books and ebooks designed to help prepare you for a new career. Learn about careers in specific fields like social services, business, healthcare, and beyond; how to write resumes & cover letters; and how to leverage your passions in to your dream job!
Search for Jobs Using Varied Sources
There are many sources available for searching for job listings. Keep in mind that there are numerous for-profit job listing and placement services out there, so buyer beware! Be on the lookout for online scams, and use caution if you are asked for money in exchange for career advice or job placement. Consider using the non-profit job seeking resources listed below, which are all sponsored by governmental programs and are usually free or low-cost.
Non-profit Job Seeking Resources
CCC's Career Services Center Whether you’re a current CCC student or an alum, the CCC Career Services Center can help you discover rewarding career paths, find a job, write your resume and cover letters and even get ready for interviews. They offer career services appointments and have online tools to help you get started or get further in your career.
CalJobs - the CalJobs database is sponsored by the State of California's Employment Development Department (EDD), and is considered to be our state's primary labor exchange where employers and qualified workers are matched. You can search CalJobs for listings of open positions across California, plus upload your resumé and cover letter. You can even apply for open positions from within the CalJobs portal.
EastBay Works - EastBay Works offers self-directed and staff-assisted services for job seekers. Their staff can help with 1-on-1 career counseling, skills assessments, job training opportunities, job placement, and much more. Contact their job centers for more information.
San Pablo Economic Development Corporation - The SPEDC offers workshops, training, and classes for businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals. Their aim is to provide paths to gainful employment in areas of the economy that are stable or growing so that the local workforce is capable, adaptable and able to advance careers.
For-Profit Job Seeking Resources is one of the largest and most popular job-seeking resources available online. Employers pay to list their available job opportunities with this website. Job-seekers can upload their resumés and search for open job opportunities in their area.
42 Best Job Search Websites (2020) as ranked by Apollo Technical, a job placement agency. This webpage describes in useful detail many of the most popular job search websites out there and what their strengths are, plus many niche job search websites that specialize in careers such as healthcare, IT, accounting.