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Page 11


You have completed

Chapter 10:
Applying Information Competency
Skills to Work and Life


You should now be able to:

  • Recognize the need for information competency skills in all areas of life.
  • Identify useful information sources for a job search, health issues, and legal matters.
  • Understand how information competency applies to work.
  • Use information competency skills as a consumer to avoid scams and make informed choices.
  • Be able to locate information about how, when, and where to vote.
  • Recognize the resources available to you at public and academic libraries.

Expert Advice

So information competency not only helps you succeed at college, but also in at work and home. Here are some ideas to get you going:

  • Go to the CCC library and browse the Self Help Law Collection of books.
  • While you are in the library, go to the current periodicals rack and browse through an issue of Consumer Reports.
  • If you are not a registered voter, request a voter registration form at the library circulation desk, or register to vote online.
  • Take a few minutes browse through the Occupational Outlook Handbook or Indeed to look for job listings in a career that interests you.


Chapter 10 — Page 11