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Note-Taking Self-Assessment

Note-Taking Self-Assessment

Each of the following statements describes effective note-taking skills. Check the rating that best reflects your current behavior for each statement. Be as honest and objective as you can.  This will help you get a handle on what you do well and what you can add to help you become the most effective note-taker that you can be.

  1. I arrive on time for class rested and alert and with all necessary materials.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  2. I am able to focus on what the instructor is presenting without excessive daydreaming or distracting thoughts.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  3. I take legible notes in a consistent manner during lectures, class activities, and labs.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  4. I have my own method of abbreviating common words and using key symbols to reduce time and space spent in writing.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  5. I leave a couple of lines between topics and when I miss something so I can fill it in later.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  6. I have experimented with a couple of note-taking systems to find out what works best for me.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  7. Shortly after class I review and edit my notes to make sure I understand and can recall them.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  8. I compare my notes with the textbook as appropriate to insure I am accurate.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  9. I do a self-test and review my notes the next day and at the end of the week.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely
  10. I create a master set of notes from the class sessions and my textbook in preparation for major exams.
    • Almost Always
    • Often
    • Sometimes
    • Never/Rarely

Now that you have completed the assessment, look for the items scored “often” or “almost always.” These items reflect good note-taking practices. Keep on using them. Notice the items scored “never/rarely” or “sometimes.” These are your opportunities to build upon your skills and become an effective note-taker.