newspapers, magazines & journals of the ethnic, minority and native press
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scholarly and peer-reviewed journals - a good choice for most topics
click here for a how-to video about using Academic Search Complete
current event & social issue articles, facts & viewpoints
click here for a how-to video about using Opposing Viewpoints
features encyclopedia and other references sources - a good starting point for getting background information and a big-picture overview of your topic
reference books and encyclopedias to give you a quick overview on your topic before you take a deep dive into research
Documentaries and feature films about immigrants, education, politics, art, culture, and more.
Documentaries and feature films - grouped by topic (politics, artists, social issues) and origin (Cuban, Mexican, Indigenous, and more).
Streaming video from well-known producers like PBS, BBC, History, and more.
Watch acclaimed documentaries and award-winning educational films.
From the California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives (CEMA) at University of California, Santa Barbara. This collection of 118 videos contains El Teatro Campesino plays, television specials, concerts, interviews, news footage, commercials, and workshops.
LPB funds public media programs including dramas, documentaries and digital content, which provide impactful stories from a variety of Latino producers across the country. LPB supports the development, production, acquisition and distribution of public media content that is representative of Latino people, or addresses issues of interest to Latino-Americans.
The Pew Hispanic Center's mission is to improve understanding of the diverse Hispanic population in the United States and to chronicle Latinos' growing impact on the nation. The Center strives to inform debate on critical issues through dissemination of its research to policymakers, business leaders, academic institutions and the media.
The Tomás Rivera Policy Institute (TRPI) is a nonprofit policy research organization which has attained a reputation as the nation's "premier Latino think tank." One of TRPI's critical strengths is survey research--ranging from questionnaire and sample frame development, to survey interviewing--which allows TRPI to gauge the attitudes held by diverse Latino populations vis a vis salient policy issues.
Provides links to rich information and resources on Latino art and artists, including the webzine ¡del Corazón! which features the Smithsonian Museum of American Art's collection of art by Latino artists. Also included is a 56-page bilingual information booklet on Latino resources at the Smithsonian, as well as links to virtual exhibits.
UnidosUS (formerly the National Council of La Raza) is the largest organization in the United States that fights for Latino equality. A private, nonprofit, nonpartisan, tax-exempt organization established in 1968 to reduce poverty and discrimination, and improve life opportunities for Hispanic Americans.
You will encounter the terms "Chicano(s)" or "Chicana(s)", "Latino(s)" or "Latina(s)", "Hispanic(s)" or "Hispanic American(s)", "Central American(s)", "South American(s)", and "Mexican American(s)" in different websites, online catalogs, and databases.
Regardless of which terms you prefer, it may be necessary for you to try all of them to find the resources you need. A keyword search can help to determine which terms have been used in the database you are trying to use.
In those databases with a controlled list of vocabulary, "Chicano" or "Chicana" will rarely be the term selected. Instead "Mexican American" or even "Hispanic American" will probably be the preferred term, but sometimes Latino and Latina is used.
U.S. government websites have traditionally used the term "Hispanic American" in their reporting, but recently, the Census Bureau allowed people to self select the terms used to identity their ethnicity in the 2000 Census. Most government agencies have begun to use some of these other terms.
Credit: Maggie Clark, Chicano/a Studies Librarian at CSU Dominguez Hills