Course Outline of Records:
Between the World and Me- Coates, Ta Nehisi
Film adaptation (CCC)
Book reserve (CCC)
eBook – 1 user
eBook- unlimited (Summary of text)
Rereading America : cultural contexts for critical thinking and writing - Columbo, Cullen
Book- (CCC-stack)
eBook- 1 user
The Word on College Reading and Writing- Burnell, Carol
eBook- unlimited (CCC-OER)
Book- print
MLA Handbook, 8th edition
Book (Print)- (CCC)
MLA Citation Guide- (CCC Online)
Handouts (CCC-print)
1st-year College English Intensive for Multilingual Students (Kadi) , (DVC) (2021, CC BY-NC-SA)
How Arguments Work: A Guide to Writing and Analyzing Texts in College, (CCSF), (2021, CCBY-NC) A sample Canvas shell that can be imported, including exercises, quizzes with auto-feedback, annotated sample student essays, and essay assignments with grading rubrics. Available in Commons
The Word on College Reading and Writing (2018, UMN, CC BY-NC)
Writing, Reading, and College Success: A First-Year Composition Course for All Learners (Kashyap and Dyquisto)- (CCSF) (2020, CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Writing Skills Lab (Lumen, Various CC licenses)
LibreTexts: Humanities Download Center (Includes downloadable PDFs, Canvas LMS cartridges, and more for Humanities resources such as English, Rhetoric, and writing)
Lumen Learning: English/Communication resources (Online textbooks and instructor resources)
MERLOT II Multimedia Educational Resource for Learning and Online Teaching (MERLOT) is a peer reviewed collection of online teaching and learning materials maintained by the California State University System
Project Gutenberg (Public Domain publications)