Course Outline of Records/Syllubus
Statistics Using Technology 3rd (Kozac)- OER
Statistics eBooks
An introduction to probability and statistics (CCC online) Rohatgi, V. K.
Elements of statistics: a hands-on primer (CCC online) Sharma, Raghubar D
Probability theory: a first course in probability theory and statistics (Linde) CCC-online available unlimited)
Unlimited usage available
Basic Statistics (Mohanty, P.K.) (2016) (EBSCO – Unlimited)
Probability and Statistics by example I: Basic Probability and Statistics. (Suhov, Y.M.) (2014) (Concurrent 225 users- EBSCO)
Films and Videos
Introduction to statistics and the relative frequency histogram -Infobase
Basic statistics and data mining for data science – PACKT Publishing
Statistics: Probability and Certainty- Films on Demand
Statistics: Probability and Prediction – Films on Demand
What is Statistics? – Films on Demand
Kanopy- Math
Academic Videos online- Statistics
Calculators (Desmos)
Statistics – Open Textbook Library CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
Statistics – Concepts in Statistics (Lumen) CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
OER Repositories
OpenIntro (2021) Statistics: Books and forums on statistics (CC BY-SA)
Libretexts (2020) Mathematical Reasoning (Thangarajah) (CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0)
Open Text (2021) CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0- Provide textbooks, videos, and presentations for Math
OER Commons (2021) CC-BY-NC-SA Open Educational Resources (OER) network for collaboration among the California community college system