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MATH 200 curated list

Suggestion: Linear Algebra and Its Applications- GLOBAL (Lay) 2021 ISBN 9781292351216

Course Textbook:

Linear Algebra and Its Application (Lay) (2013)- (CCC-Reserve)

Linear Algebra and Its Application (Lay) (2021) eBook (3 users available)

Linear Algebra eBooks

Linear Algebra (CCC online) (2020) (Hefferon)

Films and Videos

Linear Algebra- Alexander Street

Linear Algebra– Films on Demand

Linear Algebra- Kanopy


Calculators (Desmos)


A First Course in Linear Algebra (2015) (Beezer) Open Textbook Library CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0

A First Course in Linear Algebra– (Kuttler)Open Textbook Library CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0


OER Repositories

OpenIntro (2021) Linear Algebra and resources (Hefferon) (CC BY-SA)

Libretexts (2020) Linear Algebra (various) (CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0)

American Institute of Mathematics (AIM) (2020) Linear Algebra

Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra-Vectors, Matrices, and Least Squares (Boyd)

Linear Algebra Done Wrong (Treil) 2017 CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

OER Commons (2021) CC-BY-NC-SA Open Educational Resources (OER) network for collaboration among the California community college system


Linear Algebra

Note: The library can buy both print and electronic copies of titles like those listed.  In the past, the library has purchased up to 3 print copies of a reserve title.  We are not able to buy multiple copies of eBook titles. When possible, the library buys eBooks that can have unlimited simultaneous users.  However, per the publisher, some eBooks are limited to 3 or even 1 user at a time.  The library does not buy class sets of books.  For class sets please contact Maritez Apigo for a grant application.