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POLSC 130 curated list - Introduction to Comparative Politics

POLSC 130 curated list

Course Syllabus:


Introduction to Comparative Politics: Concepts and Cases on Context, 5th Edition (Orvis and Drogus) (2021) (no eBook available)

Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest (Tufekci) (2017) Course Reserve 53.15 (1 copy) / (eBook available unlimited users)

Suggested textbooks:

Introduction to Comparative Government and Politics. (Bozonelos, Wendt, Lee, et al) (2022) (CC BY NC) The textbook is organized thematically and includes chapters that cover a wide range of topics in comparative politics: how and what comparativists study; methods in comparative politics; states and regimes; democracies and democratization; non-democracies and democratic backsliding, political identity, including culture, race and ethnicity, gender, nationalism, religion, and class.

Theorizing Cultures of Political Violence in Times of Austerity: Studying Social Movements in Comparative Perspective (Rak) (2018) (ccc eBook)

Comparative politics principles of democracy and democratization (Ishiyama) (2012) (ccc-eBook) Principles of political science

Coronavirus Politics : The Comparative Politics and Policy of COVID-19 (King) (2021) (ccc-eBook) Coronavirus Politics identifies key threads in the global comparative discussion that continue to shed light on COVID-19 and shape debates about what it means for scholarship in health and comparative politics

Introduction to Political Science. (Rom, Hidaka, and Walker), (2022) Openstax (CC BY 4.0) topics including: the study of politics, political behavior, political ideologies, civil liberties, public opinion, group political activity, civil rights, political parties and elections, legislatures, executives, bureaucracies, courts and law, the media, international relations, international institutions, and international political economy.

MLA Handbook, 8th edition

Book (Print)- (CCC)

MLA Citation Guide- (CCC Online)

Handouts (CCC-print)

Films and Videos

Films on Demand- Comparative Politics

Academic Videos online- Comparative Politics


Political Ideologies and Worldviews: An Introduction (2021) (CC BY-NC)

American Government and Politics in the Information Age (University of Minnesota/Open Textbook Library (2021) (CC BY-NC-SA)

American Government (Florida Atlantic University)

American Government (OpenStax)

Open Educational Resources and practices for political science faculty and students (various) (2021) (CC BY)

OER Repositories

OpenStax – Political Science

OER Commons – Political Science

LibreText – Political Science (2022) CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

MERLOT Political Science Portal (2022) CC BY

Sample Canvas Shell

Sample Comparative Politics Canvas Shell

Note: The library can buy both print and electronic copies of titles like those listed.  In the past, the library has purchased up to 3 print copies of a reserve title.  We are not able to buy multiple copies of eBook titles. When possible, the library buys eBooks that can have unlimited simultaneous users.  However, per the publisher, some eBooks are limited to 3 or even 1 user at a time.  The library does not buy class sets of books.  For class sets please contact Maritez Apigo for a grant application.