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CHIN 120-121 curated list - Mandarin (1st and 2nd semester)

CHIN 120-121 curated list

Course Outline of Records:


Integrated Chinese (Yuehua Liu)

Book (CCC Reserve 72.03)

eBook (none available)


Chinese Link (Sue-mei Wu, et al.)

Book (CCC Reserve- none available)

eBook (none available)


The Routledge Course in Modern Mandarin Chinese (Ross, He, et al.)

Book (CCC Collection eBook)

eBook (textbook and workbook available - unlimited)

MLA Handbook, 8th edition

Book (Print)- (CCC)

MLA Citation Guide- (CCC Online)

Handouts (CCC-print) 

Films and Videos

Films on Demand- Chinese Characters

Films on Demand – Mandarin Language

Kanopy- Mandarin

Academic Videos online- Chinese Language

Chinese Grammar Lesson Videos (Wen-Hua Teng) A collection of video lessons on grammar topics for beginning Mandarin Chinese, available as a YouTube playlist.

CCC Chinese Language

CCC Library Catalog:; language study Chinese  (subject search)
Limited to online resources (books, videos, etc.). Change the filters to see all materials. Click on Resource Type on the left menu to limit to specific resources (e.g., books, etc.).


CHN101 Elementary Mandarin I Textbook (Polley) LibreText (2020) CC-BY-NC-SA

Chinese Rhetoric and Writing - An Introduction for Language Teachers (Kirkpatrick & Xu) Libretext (2020) CC-BY-NC-SA


CEORLL, Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning- CEORLL-Chinese - University of Texas-Austin Open Language resources, including websites, grammar, exercises, videos, etc.

  • Gateway to Chinese (Wen-Hua Teng) A collection of free interactive language learning resources for beginning Mandarin Chinese. Students now have the option to practice pronunciation, vocabulary, grammar, listening, and reading skills at their own convenience.
  • Chinese Word Order Exercises (Wen-Hua Teng) set of basic word-order exercises will help beginners practice the foundational skills of how to use the language in the right order.
  • Chinese Take-In- (Wen-Hua Teng) an interactive environment where first-year Chinese learners can practice listening outside the classroom according to individual needs and paces while receiving immediate feedback.

OER Commons-Chinese, Mandarin; (2017) CC BY SA
 A free Chinese textbook on the Standard Mandarin dialect. This page links to lessons using simplified characters (used in mainland China, Singapore, and Malaysia). There is also a Traditional Character Version available (used in Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong).

LibreText-Languages: Includes resources for Chinese languages.

 Merlot Chinese
Broad search, which you can filter using the limiters on the left-hand menu on the results page. You can also search for more specific key words.

MERLOT World Languages Community Portal

Introductory Chinese textbook
By Lin Hong of Central Oregon Community College. Available in Word and PDF.

 librivox- Chinese
Public domain books, including children books, classic fairy tales, etc.

Project Gutenberg- Chinese Language Collection
Print versions of public domain books.

GLOSS (Foreign Language Center)
Freely accessible language lessons from the Global Language Online Support System of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center.

OER Repositories

OER Commons (2022) CC-BY-NC-SA Open Educational Resources (OER) network for collaboration among the California community college system

Open Text (2022) CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0- Provide textbooks, videos, and presentations (General)

LibreTexts(2022) CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0

Sample Canvas Shell

Sample Chinese 1 Canvas Shell

Gateway to Chinese: Pinyin Exercises Canvas ShellSee Gateway under OER

Note: The library can buy both print and electronic copies of titles like those listed.  In the past, the library has purchased up to 3 print copies of a reserve title.  We are not able to buy multiple copies of eBook titles. When possible, the library buys eBooks that can have unlimited simultaneous users.  However, per the publisher, some eBooks are limited to 3 or even 1 user at a time.  The library does not buy class sets of books.  For class sets please contact Maritez Apigo for a grant application.